“It seems to me that the great difference between practical theism and practical atheism is the church of the living God. Jesus is alive, and we can’t keep that a secret. It is not okay to think, When they get to know us, they’ll realize that Jesus is alive. It has to be front and center in our worship, our smiles, our greetings, our interaction, our preaching — in everything we do, Jesus is alive. Church is not an evangelical golf club. It is the church of the living God, and we need to indicate that. We don’t want to give the impression that Jesus died and went to heaven in 1950. He’s still alive and doing things today. A church that decides it has ‘arrived’ is a breath away from dying. Pride comes before a fall. We need practical theism, a resurrection theology, the power of the Spirit through the Word of God.”

— Josh Moody
No Other Gospel
(Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2011), 19

HT: Of First Importance